Back in June, Interlake-Mecalux began rolling out their new F3M endplates on the 27E and 36E series beams.  Beginning this month, these new endplates will be standard on all selective rack beams from Interlake.

You’ll find the details below.

Punch Connections Instead of Rivets

For decades, Interlake has been using a rivet-style connection on their end plates, either the old-style round rivet or the newer squared-off style, which is shown on the right.

This year they have begun rolling out end plates with a punched connection instead, which you see here on the left.

For the most part, the new connection style is compatible with both Interlake and Mecalux frame punching, but there are some exceptions.  For example, I was experimenting to see if I could mount the new style beams to the U punched (squared off teardrop) frames and while it worked, I had to do some “convincing”, particularly to remove the beam.

For your convenience, we’ve prepared a handy compatibility chart which you can Download Here.