Everyone here at RMH is gearing up for our 20th anniversary in January. You probably noticed the big splashy announcement on the cover of the dealer price list back in July and you may have seen our full-page ad in the third quarter MHEDA Journal as well.

To continue the celebration, I decided that a contest and a prize would be fun for you. Read on below to find out what the prize is and how to win it.

To celebrate 20 years of providing personal service to our dealers, we’re offering you an RMH Systems travel mug for answering a simple question based on a recent newsletter:

Freight claims fall into one of ______ categories.

Send your answer to WinWithRMH@RMHequipment.com and win one of these stylish and attractive travel mugs.

There’s only a little fine print involved.  Your response must be received by November 18th in order to win.

Along with all the other “RMHeteers”, like the office ladies Irene, Judy, and Carol who help make sure your orders go smoothly, and Greg and Martin who lead the warehouse and make same day shipments possible:

Thank you for helping us make it to 20 years.  Your patronage is a big part of our success and we look forward to serving you for the next 20.