Do the Math: Investing in Modern Material Handling Systems

By: RMH National Sales Manager, John Jiambalvo No one has unlimited resources. So, companies should carefully consider their capital expenditures to ensure they achieve the best return for the dollars they invest. This applies to material handling systems as well. All too often, investment decisions are made quickly, without full consideration, to react to an immediate need. Improved efficiency and increased ROI are possible with [...]

2023-06-30T10:25:25-05:00January 12th, 2021|

New Video! K3 In-rack Sprinkler Guard Impact Test

Our K3 In-rack Sprinkler Guards have been on the market for a few months, but there's only so much pictures and words can say about the strength and durability of the products. We were on a mission to demonstrate just how strong our sprinkler guards really are. We recently accomplished this with an impact test in our own warehouse! Check it out:  Learn [...]

2023-09-14T09:34:54-05:00October 22nd, 2020|

Rack Design: The Importance of Flue Space

There’s a surprising amount of math and measuring involved in something seemingly so simple as pallet rack design. One thing to always remember: incorporate flue space. Flue space is the space between rows of pallet racks or between a row and a wall. Read on to find out why it’s important and how to include it in your designs for the best results. Why Leave [...]

2023-09-25T12:14:05-05:00October 14th, 2020|

The State of Warehouse Automation and Industrial Robotics in 2020

Industrial automation systems have become an essential component of every modern warehouse. Advancements in automation have allowed warehouses to receive, package, process and fulfill products at a higher rate than ever before. And the trend isn’t going anywhere. According to, the warehouse robotics market is expected to be valued at over $25.80 billion by 2025. Faced with record-high demand and unusual consumer shopping [...]

2022-08-25T17:26:58-05:00September 28th, 2020|

How to Use Modular Offices in Your Facility

Modular offices, also called prefabricated offices, are buildings-within-buildings that can be customized for a great variety of uses. At RMH, we’ve worked with businesses to install a variety of pre-engineered structures inside warehouses. Let’s take a look at the most common ways that modular offices can be used to increase the comfort and efficiency of your warehouse space. Office Space for Management or Staff We’ll [...]

2023-08-02T13:37:41-05:00September 25th, 2020|
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