Save Time and Money with Pallet Dimensioners

Freight disputes and backcharges aren’t just frustrating. They can seriously affect your bottom line through extra time and money. Here’s how.

  • Excess weight. Don’t have an accurate weight for your pallets? You’re at risk of additional charges from carriers. These surprise fees can eat into your profits and disrupt your workflow.
  • Shipment disputes. Without documented proof of pallet contents and condition, disputes with customers over missing or damaged items can become costly and time-consuming because you don’t have the evidence to defend your shipments.
  • Chargebacks. Estimating case or bundle weights for mixed-load pallets can lead to costly chargebacks during spot checks. It’s difficult to prove you’re being billed fairly if you don’t have accurate data.

However, with a pallet dimensioner, it’s possible to have a shipping process with accurate weight data, documented proof of pallet contents and condition and precise weights for mixed-load pallets.

With the help of our material handling automation experts at RMH Systems, it’s possible to stop hidden costs and frustrating disputes from derailing your shipping process. Learn more about the pallet dimensioning systems we offer and how they can be seamlessly integrated into your existing packaging systems–and then request a free consultation today!

Industries We Specialize In

If your operations involve material handling, RMH Systems can help you.

How Pallet Dimensioners Integrate with Your Operations

Pallet dimensioners are used in conjunction with a semi-automatic or automatic stretch wrapper. The operator scans the barcode and then the load spins, with pictures taken of all four sides and dimensional measurements taken. This information is then stored in a database, so in the event of a freight dispute, you have proof of how you packed the pallet, what it looked like before it shipped and its dimensions.

Depending on your operations, a pallet dimensioner can be configured to work with your conveyor system, or it can be strategically placed as standalone equipment, with pallets manually pushed onto a platform for measurement.

Our experts will help you choose the right pallet dimensioner based on your needs, goals and operations. Our solutions include:

  • Cubiscan pallet dimensioners–Can capture dimensions and weight within seconds through high-precision laser scans or 3D camera systems. This can be especially helpful if you have irregularly shaped pallets. Some models include dimensioning and stretch wrapping in a single solution.
  • Rice Lake pallet dimensioners–Many models are NTEP certified, which means they meet strict accuracy standards for legal trade applications. This is important for operations that need to confidently rely on weight and dimension data for billing purposes. Like Cubiscan, Rice Lake dimensioners use high-dimension cameras and deliver fast measurement times, often processing pallets in under a second to minimize bottlenecks in busy shipping and receiving areas.

Benefits of Pallet Dimensioning Systems

Reduces Shipping Costs

Accurate weight data eliminates freight backcharges and reduces shipping costs. This ensures you’re only paying exactly for what you’re shipping.

Resolves Disputes Easily

Documented proof of pallet condition and contents helps you resolve customer disputes quickly and efficiently. Having high-resolution images captured during the dimensioning process allows you to verify the exact number of items shipped and their condition upon departure, eliminating back-and-forth situations and speeding up resolution times.

Eliminates Chargebacks

With a pallet dimensioner, you’ll be able to capture accurate weights for all items on mixed-load pallets. This helps you create accurate invoices, eliminate discrepancies and prevent costly chargebacks due to weight miscalculations.

Saves Time

With documented evidence of every shipment, you’re protected against costly disputes. Pallet dimensioners provide a complete record of each shipment, including weight, dimensions and high-resolution images. This documentation gives you peace of mind knowing you’re protected from disputes, so you’ll have more time to focus on growing your business.

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